Madhubani Painting
W hat does the word painting mean? The dictionary definition is the action of using paint, either in a picture or as decoration'. It is more than that, it is a method of communication, evolving and explosive. It can connect people and reflect on culture, knowledge, and emotions. One such type of painting style which reflects on Indian culture is the Madhubani painting (place of origin: Mithila). It was done by t he women of the Mithila village and they practiced these paintings on the walls of their respective homes which showcased their hopes and dreams. Over time, Madhubani paintings became a part of festivities and special events like weddings. The paintings use symbolic images of the lotus plant, the bamboo grove, fishes, birds and snakes in union. Like most ancient art forms, Madhubani art too takes inspiration from nature and Hindu religious motifs, and the themes generally revolve around Hindu deities like Krishna, Rama, Shiva, Durga, Lakshmi an...