Art from the Past - An Image from the Revolt of the 1857
One essential tool to help understand historical thinking and factual knowledge is art. Art is used as evidence to learn about the culture and mentalities of people in the past. Paintings are considered as important primary and secondary sources of information. Primary sources are first-hand accounts by participants of a particular event or materials produced at the same historical time period. Secondary sources are works that discuss a subject, but which are written after the time that the event has occurred or works that explain or interpret primary sources. One important record of the revolt of 1857 is the pictorial images produced by the British and Indians which include paintings, pencil drawings, etchings, posters, cartoons, bazaar prints etc. This drawing is a recreation of a sketch by J F Weedon made in early 1960s for a magazine and reproduced by the Direct Photo-Engineering Co. Limited. The theme of the artwork is similar to the famous p...