
Showing posts from November, 2021

Women Architects of the Indian Constitution

  T he Indian Constitution establishes the framework for delineating fundamental political codes, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of government institutions, as well as fundamental rights, directive principles, and citizen responsibilities.  It is the longest written constitution of any country in the world.             Making a constitution is never an easy task, but given India's turbulent situation at the time, it was especially difficult. It was a daunting task to deal with a newly independent country with a very unequal social structure, especially considering the repercussions of partition.             While everyone remembers Dr. B R Ambedkar as the Father of the Constitution and other pioneering male members who assisted in the drafting of the Indian Constitution, the contribution of the fifteen female members of the Constituent Assembly is oft...

How does Gender Disparities increase vulnerability to Climate Change?

     Originally published: Globally, women and men experience life differently because of their social status. While men and women both build, live, work, and share the environment, they do it in different ways. Women and men experience life in extremely different ways due to disparities in living situations, duties, and relations, i.e., their gender differences. Access to resources, social status, and resilience are all gendered and so influence individuals differently. Climate variability affects men and women differently, and they deal in different ways with it and shifting climate patterns. In response to economic pressures, calamities, and conflicts, men and women have different motives and options for relocating. As a result, when discussing policy formulation, decision-making, and mitigation and adaptation methods, a gender-inclusive approach is critical. Since gender equalit...